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Healthy Living

Vaginal Dryness Before Age 35 (And Natural Remedies that Can Help)

Despite what you may have heard, vaginal dryness is not a problem reserved for menopausal women. The fact is vaginal dryness occurs in women of all ages.

Consider this: if the sales figures for vaginal lubricants and moisturizers are any indication, more than 62 percent of women aged 18 to 35 have relied on these products to replace natural moisture. Their reasons vary because normal vaginal health changes throughout a woman's lifetime and is affected by several things. If you take medications, for instance, vaginal dryness may creep in a lot sooner than expected.

Whatever the reason, vaginal dryness can be painful and embarrassing. Not to mention, it can put quite a crimp in your sex life. The good news is, if you're a woman under age 35 who's dealing with dryness, you are not alone and do not have to suffer in silence.

Knowledge is power. Understanding the cause of your dryness is the first step toward fixing it. So let's break it down for you, and include some of the best natural solutions for getting your lady bits back in the comfort zone.

What causes vaginal dryness?

This is the $25 million question. It is one that does not have a quick or easy answer. There can be many reasons for vaginal dryness. If you are under the age of 35, we can probably rule out menopause. Although early menopause is not entirely out of the question, it is rare in women under 35. When it does occur, it is usually the result of damage to the ovaries or the deliberate stopping of estrogen production in a young woman’s body -- maybe because she's undergoing chemotherapy or has had her ovaries removed.

Hands down, the biggest culprit of vaginal dryness is a ack of estrogen.  When it comes to super hormones, estrogen is the literal queen. From flawless skin and perky breasts to natural lubrication at precisely the moments t (think intimate encounters), estrogen is in charge.

That is a lot of power to hand over to one hormone, but it is undeniable the way a woman’s body is designed. Unfortunately, when not enough estrogen is produced, dryness is inevitable.

What interferes with estrogen production?

So, we know that low estrogen is the number one reason for vaginal dryness. Now we need to understand what can disrupt the body’s natural ability to produce adequate amounts of estrogen.

  • Birth control pills. If you are under the age of 35, chances are good you may be taking a hormonal birth control pill for family planning or other purposes. Birth control pills are known to interfere with estrogen levels. It is how they prevent pregnancy and control certain medical conditions like Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The downside is they can cause vaginal dryness and irritation.
  • Hormonal birth control. Birth control pills are not the only cause of vaginal dryness in women under 35. Any form of hormonal birth control, including IUDs, patches, rings, and injectable contraceptives can also dry you out "down there".
  • Excessive exercise. We get it. You want to look hot and feel healthy. There is such a thing as too much exercise, though. Overdoing it in the gym can seriously unbalance your hormones, including the production of estrogen.
  • An underactive pituitary gland. Located on the underside of your brain, the pituitary gland is responsible for releasing eight hormones. One of those hormones is follicle-stimulating hormone, also known as FSH. It prompts the ovaries to produce estrogen. When the pituitary fails to do its job, your ovaries cannot do theirs. It is a vicious cycle.

What else, besides low estrogen, can cause vaginal dryness?

Low estrogen is not the only reason young women can experience vaginal dryness. Certain lifestyle choices and other prescription medications can  contribute to the problem.

Harsh soaps, douches, and scented feminine hygiene products can certainly dehydrate vaginal tissue. While many of these products are billed as a great way to “freshen up” down under, don't be fooled. They can have some unintended consequences. Dryness and irritation are among them.

Sanitizing chemicals commonly found in swimming pools and hot tubs are extremely drying to the skin and other tissues in your body. Since the vagina consists of delicate tissues, it is hardly a shocker that spending too much time in the pool or hot tub can turn your lady bits into a desert terrain.

Allergy and cold medications are two other offenders. Both contain antihistamines. While they may be great for drying up sinus mucus and congestion, they also are known to dry out your nether region.

Safe and effective natural remedies

If you are under 35 and dealing with vaginal dryness issues, there are safe,  effective all-natural solutions to the problem. Here are some of the ones we have found to be most helpful.

  1. Acupuncture
    Known for coaxing the body back into balance, acupuncture may stimulate your body to make more of its own natural lubrication. Some studies lend support to the notion that regular acupuncture treatments can increase estrogen production. Expect to receive treatments for at least three months before experiencing the positive benefits of this natural treatment.
  2. Sea Buckthorn
    Taking just two capsules daily can help your body produce more ample levels of estrogen to keep your peach feeling juicy and ripe. Sea Buckthorn works well for encouraging estrogen production because of its high level of Omega-7 fatty acid.
  3. Black Cohosh
    This is a solution many women in the throes of menopause turn to because it works wonders for boosting estrogen production. Women under 35 can experience similar results by using a black cohosh tincture daily. Twice a day, mix 50 drops of black cohosh tincture into 8 ounces of water. Never use black cohosh when you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any prescription medication that affects the liver.
  4. Feminine Lubricants/Moisturizers
    Lubricants are a great solution if you only need a little extra moisture occasionally (like during intimate encounters). Crème de la Femme was developed 30 years ago by a woman doctor who understood the frustration and pain of vaginal dryness -- at any age. This personal lubricant is versatile and safe for use externally or internally. And because it's 100 percent glycerin-free, you don't have to worry about it causing a yeast infection.
  5. Foods rich in plant estrogen
    Yams, soybeans, and soy products are all foods rich in phytoestrogens, which are known to stimulate estrogen-like activity in the body. Consuming them can help replenish the estrogen levels in your body. Women with certain conditions, including a history of gynecological cancer, should consult their doctor before adding any of these foods to their diet.

The bottom line on vaginal dryness

No matter your age, it is important to remember that vaginal dryness is not a topic that should be kept hush-hush. If you are struggling with the condition, do not be afraid to discuss it with your doctor and find the solution that will work best for you.


We invite you to consider one of our most-loved products, Crème de la Femme.