6 Steps to Natural Dog Allergy Relief
Fido may be your favorite furry friend, but he also may be a major allergy trigger. That is because dog allergies do not discriminate. They strike even the most loving pet owners living with even the best-behaved canines, pedigrees and mutts alike.
Of course, the only thing worse than developing a dog allergy is hearing your doctor suggest that you could rehome your pet in order to relieve symptoms. Most dog owners would opt to find a new doctor before following that advice!
A better solution is to keep the pup and try these six easy steps to natural relief from your dog allergy symptoms.
How common are dog allergies?
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, 38.4 percent of all households in the U.S. include at least one dog.
Meanwhile, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America finds that up to 30 percent of Americans are allergic to dogs. Do the math: a lot of folks out there are living with (and loving) dogs that provoke some absolutely miserable allergy symptoms.
Yet how many people experiencing these symptoms are willing to part with their pets? Not many. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reports that 25 percent of dog owners are, in fact, allergic to their animal. Of those, only 2 percent were willing to give up the pets to control their allergies.
This refusal to comply has created a growing demand in the marketplace for pet allergy control products. While over-the-counter and prescription allergy medications can help, people seem more interested in natural alternatives these days.
What causes dog allergies?
People who are allergic to dogs are sensitive to the Can f1 protein. This minuscule protein particle is found mostly in a dog’s saliva. It also is present in dander, dog fur, urine and solid waste. Since dog allergens are so tiny, it is easy for them to become airborne within minutes of leaving a dog’s body.
Couple that with the unfortunate fact that the Can f1 protein is “sticky” and difficult to remove it from porous surfaces. Your couch, clothes, and other linens quickly become safe havens for your worst allergy triggers. Even if you do not own a dog, if you visit the home of someone who does, you can bring the sticky allergens home with you.
Why isn’t everyone allergic to dogs?
Why isn’t everyone allergic to dogs if this Can f1 protein is so troublesome? Well, the immune system is a complex thing. What causes it to go into fight mode in some people barely registers a blip with others. To put it simply, some people’s immune systems do not consider the Can f1 protein harmful and just ignore its presence.
Children are more susceptible to developing allergies than adults since their immune systems are developing. Ironically, however, emerging research hints at lower rates of allergies in children aged 7 to 9 when they are exposed to pets from infancy.
Who is most likely to develop dog allergies?
Sadly, no one is immune from developing allergies to dogs. Even people who are mildly susceptible can develop symptoms after prolonged exposure to dogs. This is because the Can f1 allergen is cumulative. Since every person is different, it may take you longer to become sensitive to dog allergens than another person in the same household. But absolutely everyone has an allergen limit, and once you reach yours, symptoms start.
When you are allergic to dogs, your immune system sends out an army of antibodies to bind to the incoming allergens and destroy them. It is this binding process that causes you to sneeze, cough, get watery eyes, or develop itchy skin. Dog allergy symptoms also can include pronounced exhaustion, shortness of breath, headaches, and debilitating joint pain in the worst cases.
Using chemical sprays to fight dog allergies
Using harsh solutions to rid your indoor spaces of dog allergens can backfire. These are a temporary solution at best. Plus, some people develop an intolerance to the cleaning agents themselves, providing a double whammy to their systems.
When your immune system already is under attack by dog allergens, the chemicals in some cleaning products can further aggravate the situation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) warns that chemical household cleaners are Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and can negatively impact your indoor air quality.
6 ways to get natural relief AND keep your dog
There is no cure for dog allergies, unfortunately. That does not mean you cannot control your symptoms and get natural relief by simply following these six methods.
- Attack allergens at the molecular level with the Easy Air Organic Allergy Relief Combo Pack. This double formulation allergy-control kit is all-natural and does not pollute your indoor air. Each combination pack comes with a bottle of Organic Allergy Relief Spray and Organic Allergy Relief Laundry Rinse to instantly destroy dog allergens at the molecular level. Provide natural dog allergy relief on contact with this powerful duo.
- Groom your dogs after an exciting (or stressful) day. Dogs shed. Every dog owner knows this. But did you know that the more excited they get, the more fur they will shed? Increased anxiety levels cause your dog to lose more fur – spreading more Can f1 allergen throughout your home. Brushing your dog after an encounter that has caused extra excitement or stress can help remove excess allergens from your indoor environment.
- Rub a dub, dub, scrub your pup. Bathing is an efficient way to reduce the level of Can f1 allergens on your dog. For it to be effective, though, you must bathe your dog at least twice weekly.
- Use hypoallergenic pet shampoo. When you bathe your dog, be sure to use a hypoallergenic dog shampoo as part of the process. There are several available on the market. You also can make your own by combining 2 ounces of glycerin, 8 ounces of any liquid dish soap, 8 ounces of apple cider vinegar, and 8 ounces of water.
- Ignore the “allergy-free breed” hype. There is no such thing as an allergy-free dog breed. All dogs shed Can f1 since it is in their saliva – not just in their fur. Some dog breeds cause fewer allergy symptoms than others, but there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dogs.
- Get the power of HEPA. HEPA, or High-Efficiency Particle Air) vacuums and air purifiers are an amazing tool against dog allergies. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter at least once weekly to clean your carpeting and all upholstered furniture. Run an air purifier with a HEPA filter daily. Combining these two things will significantly reduce the amount of dog allergens in your indoor environment.
Go ahead and hug your dog!
Resisting a cute, furry face is not possible when you love dogs. So go right ahead and hug yours (and everyone else’s), even if you are sensitive to dog allergens. Regularly follow these six natural solutions for reducing the amount of dog allergen in your home, office and car – and you will outwit Can f1 demons forever!