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COVID-19 Update


During these uncertain times, we want you to know that Amazing-Solutions keeps your safety in mind when processing orders. 

  1. We clean and disinfect our packaging area every day, before boxing orders.
  2. All shipping envelopes and boxes are handled with gloved hands.
  3. We wear latex gloves and a face mask when printing receipts and preparing shipments.
  4. All our products are manufactured in the USA and all current inventory was delivered to us before January, 2020.
  5. Some of our product containers and sprayers are made abroad. However the 4-5 week transport time to our manufacturing labs far exceeds the 2-3 days that virus can survive on a plastic or cardboard surface.

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions or concerns.

Call 800-576-7616. Or email us at

Thank you. And stay well.